Pre-Sale Mint

Presale Participation Token: Your Commitment, Your Priority

Welcome to the threshold of CommuneDAO's future, where your early commitment through the presale participation token ensures your place in our collective journey. Here's what you need to know:

Token Mechanics:

  • Token Correlation: Each presale participation token represents your intent to contribute 1 AVAX towards our communal goal, capped at a total of 10,000 tokens for 10,000 AVAX.

  • Mint As You Mean: Mint the number of tokens that reflect your desired contribution, with the only requirement being sufficient AVAX in your wallet at the time of the public share mint.

Commit Now, Contribute Later:

  • No Immediate Deposit: Minting your presale participation tokens requires no upfront AVAX deposit. Your commitment is registered, but your AVAX remains with you until the public share mint.

  • Reservation Assurance: By minting these tokens, you're reserving your spot and ensuring your access to the shares you aim to secure when the time comes.

The Power of Priority:

  • Secured Positioning: The sequence of your presale token minting sets your place in the queue for the upcoming public share mint.

  • Early Bird Advantage: Your presale participation tokens are the key to unlocking early access, giving you a head start when the shares are officially available for minting.

Community Trust and Intent:

  • Beyond the Token: These tokens are a pledge of your support, representing your readiness to be part of CommuneDAO's vision.

  • Upholding Your Trust: We value your early commitment and guarantee that it will be reflected in the share distribution process.

Next Steps:

  • Prepare for the Public Mint: Keep your AVAX at the ready for when the share minting begins.

  • Secure Your Future: When the minting window opens, you'll be invited to convert your presale participation tokens into actual shares, completing your financial contribution.

Last updated